“the neck, chuck, blade, brisket;
staunch shoulders to carry the business”

Eltorito offers a toolkit to provide greater transparency and certainty to the financial operations of your business.
This enables you to adapt to an ever-changing environment and sets the basis for solid internal controls.

Looking for assistance to establish a clear budgeting process? The Eltorito toolkit is built around a robust Annual Budget that acts as the framework for the year ahead and provides a constant benchmark of performance. It provides a clear projection of the year-end position for the business and establishes distinct delegated authority boundaries for management to operate within. The Annual Budget is based on historical performance and aligned to your medium to long term business plans.
In order to achieve the year-end result the budget needs to be broken into bite-sized chunks. The Eltorito toolkit involves a periodic monthly cashflow reporting component that is essential in managing the cash resources of the business. This ensures that sufficient working capital facilities are in place enabling your business to operate through the highs and lows of the year while keeping overdraft costs to a minimum.

Measuring Performance
A regular assessment of Actual Performance against the Annual Budget and Monthly Cashflow enables a better understanding of how a business is tracking. This process highlights any major variance to budget and identifies key risk areas for forecast review allowing you to take timely proactive measures.
One page dashboard reports provide a clear snapshot of the overall business based on KPIs relevant to your business. This enables a clear understanding of current and projected business health in a single glance providing confidence in decision making.

Continuous Improvement
The Eltorito toolkit isn’t a piece of paper that sits in a desk drawer; it is an evolving beast. Reforecasts are conducted as and when required and will consider year-to-date performance, any changes ahead in your business’ environment and any operational changes that will strengthen your year-end result. The reforecasting process enables your business to be dynamic and more responsive to the environment.