“the head; the brain of the beast;
the eyes and vision; the top two inches”

A robust strategy sets a stable platform; it defines a clear pathway to achieve the objectives of your business and the goals of its stakeholders. The ability to convert a vision into a quantifiable business plan enables you to capitalise on the good times and provides resilience in downturns.
Eltorito has a tailored business planning service which offers support in refining the overarching strategy of your business. We work alongside you to capture the knowledge and expertise within your business, and transform it into a dynamic model that enables you to assess how you're positioned for the present and for the years ahead. The ability to tweak and play with the elements that you can control, and protect yourself from those things you can't, will provide the confidence to push ahead and fulfil your strategy.

For those in start-up phase, Eltorito provides a toolkit to convert vision and knowledge into a quantifiable business. Our business plan model is a critical component for developing trust with stakeholders such as potential investors or banking partners. The Eltorito toolkit includes an Operational Plan that drives the financial reports including Profit & Loss Statements, Balance Sheets and Statements of Cashflow.

We offer existing businesses the tools to explore, test and develop growth opportunities. We can build upon your existing business plan to introduce the Eltorito scenario analysis features that enable you to robustly test the impact of your expansion plans before implementation. Previous clients have also found this a great tool to see first-hand the viability of growth plans and bring their investors and financiers along on the journey.

Strategy Refresh
In business change is a constant whether it be facing new industry pressures, a tightening financial environment, or legislative changes. Eltorito can provide the tools to assess the sensitivity of your business under such changing conditions. Our intuitive model is structured to provide end-users the ability to tweak and play with key parameters and assumptions. We'll work alongside you to update the operational and financial aspects of the model so that your business is best positioned to handle change.